This tutorial will overview recent advances in development and application of optical imaging techniques for structural and functional imaging and sensing of various transport, developmental, and disease progression in tissues and cells. Special emphasis will be devoted to theory and applications of novel imaging/sensing modality – Optical coherence Tomography (OCT) and Optical Coherence Elastography (OCE). This tutorial will start with basic description of light-tissue interaction including structural and optical models of tissues with single and multiple scattering. It will be shown that light reflection, transmission, scattering, and state of polarization can be effectively controlled by changes of tissue structure and the refractive index of tissue components. Many examples of OCT noninvasive sensing will be provided such as cardiovascular imaging, ophthalmic applications, monitoring of drug diffusion and optical clearing, sensing and quantifying of microbubbles and nanoparticles in tissues and blood, imaging of early embryonic cardiovascular system development, and, the newest hot topic, assessing biomechanical properties of tissues.
Intended Audience: Engineers, scientists and physicians who are interested in learning optical imaging and spectroscopy, laser methods, instruments design, and application for medical science and clinics will find this course useful.
Organizer I: Kirill V. Larin-IEEE Member
Bio: Kirill V. Larin is a Professor of Biomedical Engineering at the University of Houston, USA. His research contributions include development and application of optical methods for noninvasive imaging and diagnostics of tissues and cells. He has authored more than 100 peer-reviewed publications in the area of biophotonics. He is Fellow of OSA and SPIE.