Xiaochuan Pan, Ph.D.

X-ray Tomographic Imaging and Applications Enabled by Advanced Algorithms

The presentation will first highlight some of the recent advances in optimization-based algorithms for image reconstruction in tomographic imaging, especially in X-ray tomographic imaging, and will then focus on discussing the challenges in adequately applying the algorithmic advances to possibly benefiting real applications of clinical or practical significance. A series of real-data examples in X-ray tomography relevant to imaging tasks in radiation therapy will be used for illustrating how optimization-based algorithms may be exploited for enabling the development of imaging systems and workflows tailored to specific applications of practical merit in medicine and other areas. The presentation will also clarify some seemingly confusing issues concerning, e.g., compressive sensing (CS) in image reconstruction and image/signal processing. If time allows, the presentation may touch upon implications of optimization-based reconstruction for PET and MRI imaging.


Xiaochuan Pan is a Professor in the Department of Radiology, Department of Radiation & Cellular Oncology, the Committee on Medical Physics, the Comprehensive Cancer Center, and the College at The University of Chicago. His research interest centers on physics, algorithms, and applications of tomographic imaging, and has published more than 450 papers on his research. He is the recipient of numerous awards, including IEEE NPSS Early Achievement Award, IEEE EMBS Technical Award, and Distinguished Investigator Award of ARR, and is a Fellow of AAPM, AIMBE, IAMBE, IEEE, OSA, and SPIE. Dr. Pan has served as a chair and/or a reviewer of study sections/review panels for funding agencies, including NIH, NSF, DOE, AIBS, NSERC, ASF, NSFC, FNRA, SRNSF, IMSTS, and RGCHK, as a board member and associate editor for journals in the field such as IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging, IEEE Trans. Biomed Eng., IEEE J. Transl. Eng. Health and Med., Phys. Biol. Med., Med. Phys., and J. Med. Imaging, as a chair/member of technical committees of professional organizations such as IEEE, RSNA, and AAPM, and as a general chair, chair/member of programs, themes, and  technical/scientific committees for conferences such as IEEE EMBC, IEEE MIC, RSNA, AAPM, and MICCIA.