Proposals for Workshops, Tutorials, Invited Sessions, Mini-Symposia and Special Sessions

Proposals for Workshops, Tutorials, Invited Sessions, Mini-Symposia and Special Sessions are invited for submission between September 1, 2016 and December 31, 2016. The activities are subdivided into pre-conference and during-conference. Pre-conference activities will be held on Tuesday, July 11, 2017, from 8.00 AM – 5.00 PM.


At the moment, EMBC’17 is accepting proposals for the following sessions:

Workshops (pre-conference)

Workshops will be focused on current and future trends in life sciences, biomedical engineering, and technology development in health care. A workshop may be delivered by a group of leading researchers and pioneers in their respective areas in a half day or full-day format with a nominal fee charged to each registrant. A website will be made available to Workshop registrant to download any material provided by the Workshop organizer(s). Workshop organizer(s) may provide any additional material such as handouts to participants during the Workshop. Speakers in workshops are not required to submit papers.

Tutorials (pre-conference)

Tutorials will provide reviews of a specific area related to biomedical engineering, biosciences or medicine with a perspective of technology development in health care, and may also involve registrants through a hands-on experience or demonstrations. A tutorial may be delivered by individuals or a group of leading educators, researchers and pioneers in their respective areas in a half day or full-day format with a nominal fee charged to each registrant. A website will be made available to Tutorial registrants to download any material provided by the Tutorial organizer(s). The tutorial organizer(s) may provide any additional material such as handouts to participants during the Tutorial. Speakers in tutorials are not required to submit papers.

Mini-symposia (during-conference)

Mini-symposia will be dedicated to invited talks and panel discussions from leading researchers covering a specialized topic in multi-disciplinary and cross-disciplinary areas of biological and biomedical engineering, life sciences, health care, clinical applications, and biomedical education. Mini-symposia represent a means through which the EMBS can reach out to established life-science researchers and health care practitioners who are interested in applying bioengineering methodologies and technology in their work. All submissions to mini-symposia sessions will be required to follow the 1-page paper format. Accepted 1-page papers will be accessible online through the conference digital proceedings website, but will not be published as part of the conference proceedings in IEEE Xplore or indexed by PubMed. A mini-symposium will be scheduled during the conference under a conference theme with a 90 minutes time slot. A typical mini-symposium will consist of 3-6 invited talks, or a combination of invited talks and a panel discussion.

Invited Sessions (during-conference)

Invited sessions from leading experts and researchers on the recent advances will be focused on specific topics under a conference theme in biological and biomedical engineering, life sciences, health care, clinical applications, and biomedical education. Invited sessions will be scheduled under a conference theme with 90 minute time slots during the conference, as is the case for regular contributed papers that have been selected for oral presentation. A typical invited session would consist of 6 talks. Speakers in invited sessions are required to submit a 1-page paper. Accepted 1-page papers will be accessible online through conference digital proceedings website, but will not be published as part of the conference proceedings in IEEE Xplore or indexed by PubMed.

Special Sessions (during-conference)

Special sessions are specially devised to include panel discussions or non-technical talks (on topics such as research funding, entrepreneurship, or technology transfer) that do not adhere to the structured formats of the sessions mentioned above or can receive a wide interest across different Themes. Speakers in special sessions are not required to submit papers.


Can speakers in Mini-symposia and Invited Sessions submit full-length papers?

In addition to the required 1-page paper, speakers of mini-symposia and invited sessions have the option of submitting a companion full-length paper, however the full paper MUST have a different paper title in order for it to be allowed to be uploaded into Papercept. This additional full-length paper should be submitted as a separate full contributed paper that will be reviewed rigorously along with other contributed full-length papers by the Conference Editorial Board. Thus, acceptance of the full-length paper is not guaranteed; accepted full-length papers are published as part of the conference proceedings in IEEE Xplore and indexed in PubMed.


The following Conference Program Themes should be considered for proposal submissions:

  1. Biomedical Signal Processing;
  2. Biomedical Imaging and Image Processing;
  3. Micro/Nano-bioengineering; Cellular/Tissue Engineering & Biomaterials;
  4. Computational Systems & Synthetic Biology; Multiscale Modeling;
  5. Cardiovascular and Respiratory Systems Engineering;
  6. Neural and Rehabilitation Engineering;
  7. Biomedical Sensors and Wearable Systems;
  8. Bio-Robotics and Biomechanics;
  9. Therapeutic and Diagnostic Systems and Technologies;
  10. Biomedical and Health Informatics;
  11. Biomedical Engineering Education and Society;
  12. Translational Engineering for Healthcare Innovation and Commercialization;
  13. Pharmaceutical Engineering and Drug Delivery Systems.


To submit a proposal:


To submit a proposal, please follow these instructions:

  1. Download and fill the relevant Word template:
  1. Click here to navigate to the Papercept System.
  2. Scroll down to the EMBC’17 section and in the right-hand column click “Submit a contribution to EMBC’17“.
  3. In the new page, scroll down to the table at the bottom listing different submission types and click on the “Submit” link next to the appropriate proposal.
  4. Follow the instructions on the Papercept form to upload your submission. In particular you will be asked to provide:
  • the title for the section;
  • the Personal Identification Number (PIN) of all the proposers;
  • the theme, among the ones of this year conference
  • the keywords describing the topic;
  • the abstract of the proposal;
  • the proposal prepared using the template above in pdf, doc or docx format (file upload is in the second page of the submission procedure).

In general, there will be no funding available from the conference budget to cover travel expenses for speakers that are invited to participate in the conference. Thus, we encourage you to seek funding for such expenses, if needed, from either federal agencies or private sponsors. Questions may be directed to the Conference Organizing Committee:

Kwang Suk Park, Conference Chair,

Eung Je Woo, Program Chair,