Please join us in congratulating the Finalists selected for the 2018 EMBS Student Paper Competition!
The Finalists will present their papers in special judging sessions on Wednesday 18, July, 2018
The winners will be announced at the Keynote on Thursday 19, July, 2018
Best of luck to all in the final phase of the competition!
Geographic Finalists:
North America:
Sina Miran
University of Maryland, College Park
Real-Time Decoding of Auditory Attention from EEG via Bayesian Filtering
Beatrice Barra
University of Fribourg
Selective Recruitment of Arm Motoneurons in Nonhuman Primates Using Epidural Electrical Stimulation of the Cervical Spinal Cord
Middle East-Africa:
Mohamed A.Bahloul
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
Three-Element Fractional-Order Viscoelastic Arterial Windkessel Model
Seongyeon Kim
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)
Improved Target Specificity of Transcranial Focused Ultrasound Stimulation (TFUS) Using Double-Crossed Ultrasound Transducers
South America:
Lucas Fonseca
Universidade de Brasília
Investigating Upper Limb Movement Classification on Users with Tetraplegia as a Possible Neuroprosthesis Interface
Open Finalists:
Michael Langenmair
Universitätsklinikum Freiburg
Low Temperature Approach for High Density Electrical Feedthroughs for Neural Implants Using Maskless Fabrication Techniques
Christine F Martindale
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Mobile Gait Analysis Using Personalised Hidden Markov Models for Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia Patients
Nil Zeynep Gurel
Georgia Institute of Technology
Unobtrusive Heartbeat Detection from Mice Using Sensors Embedded in the Nest
Dung Phan
Deakin University
Effect of Parkinsonism on Proximal Unstructured Movement Captured by Inertial Sensors
Alejandro Azocar
University of Michigan
Perception of Mechanical Impedance During Active Ankle and Knee Movement
Mohammadjavad Eslamian
University of Houston
Direct Measurement of Mass Transport in Actuation of Conducting Polymers Nanotubes
Giulia Gerboni
University of Melbourne
Cortical Brain Stimulation with Endovascular Electrodes
Chen-Ying Hung
National Tsing Hua University
Improving Young Stroke Prediction by Learning with Active Data Augmenter in a Large-Scale Electronic Medical Claims Database
Enzo Mastinu
Chalmers – University of Technology
Myoelectric Signals and Pattern Recognition from Implanted Electrodes in Two TMR Subjects with an Osseointegrated Communication Interface
Ravikiran Mane
Nanyang Technological University
Quantitative EEG As Biomarkers for the Monitoring of Post-Stroke Motor Recovery in BCI and Tdcs Rehabilitation