Open Access Option
Thank you for submitting your final paper to the 43rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC 2021)!
As an author of the conference, you provide a valuable contribution to a countless number of your peers in the biomedical engineering field, and following the presentation of your paper at the conference, you will have the opportunity to have your paper indexed in both IEEE Xplore and PubMed.
Despite the broad reach of both IEEE Xplore and PubMed many authors have asked us for opportunities to broaden the audience of their paper, by making it available to the open access audience!
In response to these requests, the IEEE EMBS team is introducing a limited time offer to authors of our EMBC 2021 full-contributed papers, which will allow the full-text version of the paper to be available in IEEE Xplore to anyone!
What does this mean?
Today, if your paper is indexed in IEEE Xplore a visitor to the site, can only access the full text of your work by either paying a full-text access fee or by obtaining an IEEE Xplore subscription through their respective organization; limiting the visitor to abstracts of the paper.
However, if your paper is an open access paper, anyone who visits the IEEE Xplore site will be able to view the full-text version of the paper without restriction, making your paper more visible and available to researchers and your peers.
Open Access Fee for 2021 starts at $250.00 per Paper; Members of IEEE and EMBS receive a special discount and will pay only $212.50 per paper
The corresponding author of accepted full contributed papers may add this option during their registration. Already Registered? Modify your registration to add this option today! Registration for open access will close on Friday, October 29, 2021.
*Notes: Fee is non-refundable; paper must be eligible for conference publication; only one fee per paper; full-contributed papers only, membership status will be verified before publication.