Student Paper Competition Finalists
Please join us in congratulating the Finalists selected for the 2020 EMBS Student Paper Competition!
The Finalists will present their papers in special virtual judging sessions.
Best of luck to all in the final phase of the competition!
Geographic Finalists:
Middle East-Africa
Sadeq Alsharafi
Cairo University
A Comparative Study for Evaluating Passive Shielding of MRI Longitudinal Gradient Coil
Asia –Pacific
Te-Cheng Hsu
National Tsing Hua University
Training with Small Medical Data: Robust Bayesian Neural Networks for Colon Cancer Overall Survival Prediction
Alexander Frank
University of Stuttgart, Germany
A 96-Channel Electrophysiology Catheter with Integrated Read-Out ASIC and Optical Link
North America
Rong Guo
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
High-Resolution Label-Free Molecular Imaging of Brain Tumor
Latin America
Sebastian Merino
Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Shear Wave Speed estimator using Continuous Wavelet Transform for Crawling Wave Sonoelastography
Open Finalists:
Antonio Gogeascoechea Hernandez
University of Twente
Identification of Motor Unit Twitch Properties in the Intact Human In Vivo
Rafael Ornelas Kobayashi
University of Twente
Optimization framework for the model-based estimation of in vivo α-motoneuron properties in the intact human
Damla Alptekin Soydan
ASELSAN Research Center
A Simulation Study for Three Dimensional Tomographic Field Free Line Magnetic Particle Imaging
Calogero Gueli
University of Freiburg
Scalable Batch Transfer of Individual Silicon Dice for Ultra Flexible Polyimide Based Bioelectronic Devices
Leon Weninger
RWTH Aachen University
Improving Localization of Brain Tumors through 3D GAN Inpainting
Shadi Sartipi
University of Rochester
EEG Emotion Recognition via Graph-based Spatio-Temporal Attention Neural Networks
Madhavanunni A N
Indian Institute of Technology Palakkad
An Angle Independent Depth Aware Fusion Beamforming Approach for Ultrafast Ultrasound Flow Imaging
Fumika Moriya
The University of Tokyo
Change in network dynamics over time by administering Notch response inhibitor DAPT to hippocampal culture
Rongqing Chen
Hochschule Furtwangen
Redistribution Index – Detection of an Outdated Prior Information in the Discrete Cosine Transformation-based EIT Algorithm
Mohamed Zaid
University of Missouri
Noninvasive Cardiovascular Monitoring Based on Electrocardiography and Ballistocardiography: A Feasibility Study on Patients in the Surgical Intensive Care Unit