Conference Chair: Kwang Suk Park
Conference Co-Chair: Yongmin Kim
Conference Co-Chair: James Weiland
Program Committee Chair: Eung Je Woo
Program Committee Co-Chair: Yuan-ting Zhang
Program Committee Co-Chair: Thomas Penzel
Finance Chair: Jae Sung Lee
Workshop/Tutorial/Mini-symposium/Invited Session/Special Session Co-Chairs: Atam Dhawan and Yoonkey Nam
Conference Editorial Board Chair: Jim Patton
Student/Young Professional/Membership Activity Chair: Steve Wright
Student Paper Competition Co-Chairs: Yingchun Zhang and Kyung Min Byun
Young Professional Activities Co-Chairs: Lei Ding and Myunghwan Choi
Industrial Relations Co-Chairs: Bruce Hecht and Byungjo Jung
Clinical Relations Chair: Jongmo Seo
Student Volunteers Co-Chairs: Hans van Oostrom and Min Joo Choi
Women In Engineering Co-Chairs: Jennifer H. Shin, Lisa Lazareck-Asunta, and Hyunjoo J. Lee
Exhibit and Sponsor Chair: Young Bin Choy
Publication Chair: Hyunjoo J. Lee
Webmaster: Hans van Oostrom