Payment by wire transfer fees can be made. Please contact Note in subject line: EMBC;17 wire transfer. Staff will contact registrants to arrange payment.
Registration Rates
Advance Rate | Regular Rate | |
(On or Before June 12) | (After June 12) | |
EMBS/KOSOMBE Member | $625.00 | $810.00 |
IEEE Member | $750.00 | $940.00 |
Nonmember | $875.00 | $1,000.00 |
EMBS/KOSOMBE Graduate Student | $345.00 | $410.00 |
IEEE Graduate Student | $410.00 | $475.00 |
Graduate Student Nonmember | $440.00 | $530.00 |
EMBS/KOSOMBE Undergraduate Student | $0.00 | $350.00 |
IEEE Undergraduate Student | $410.00 | $475.00 |
Undergraduate Nonmember | $440.00 | $530.00 |
Day Rate (not available until 6/27/17) | $295.00 |
Prices are in US Dollars.
Registration includes: Access to all sessions, exhibits, welcome reception, conference program, digital conference proceedings, plus additional conference handouts. **Non Member categories also include an IEEE EMB Affiliate MembershipAll fees are in US Dollars.
Does not include: Workshops and tutorials.
Refunds: General attendees (non-authors) are eligible for a registration refund if the refund is requested in writing prior to 12 June 2017 and will incur a processing fee of $50. There are no registration refunds after 11 July 2017. Authors who have uploaded their papers are NOT entitled to any refunds.